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Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley : which I fear is a little too plain and retro to win anything.

my exact worries too.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
might have to have a look on that server.

anyways, got my skin entry uploaded. might as well give it a shot eh?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :Captain slow.

Simple to fix.

Go to the directory above where that folder is... (eg: C:/myfilesroot/)

Hold down Shift (left shift) right click on the folder where all those files are that your having problems with. and choose open

after that the names will stay there.

thank you mr frank. you have saved me from being bollocked by another frank (my dad) who comes back off holiday tomorow. thank you
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :If you resize the icons they overlap text, also turn on auto arrange and see if that helps at all.

sorry for being thik, but how do you resize the icons?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :I showed her screenis,vid's on youtube and she was astonished she loved it

get stuck in there my son!

i have to agree with maggot though, i think that randomers wandering into lfs could be seriously damaging to online play. i know of course this would be a very small amount of players, but if al computers are located in the same location you might find all the "randomers" will join the same server, and no doubt theyl probably join something fairly full and ruin alot of races. mibi not on purpose, but you see the point.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :You're vieweing in thumbnails mode, doesn't that remove filenames anyway? Never tried it tbh, details view ftw (win3.1 nostalgia). Just a thought.

no it doesnt. the names where always under the thumbnails before. hmmm. im curious whats caused it to change more than anything.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :LOL!

use a registry cleaner/scanner Capn'

ya what?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Me->:rally_driYou->:sadbananaResult ->:bananadea

help with dissapearing names :S:S:S
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
hi. for some reason when i open my documents all the names of the folders are no longer shown. i have no idea what caused this so if anyone knows how to fix it please could you tell me. thanks in advance.
attached screenshot of problem.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i hate emos. and gpos come to think of it.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Wanna fight for it?

HOWAY THEN! ! :chairs::fence3d::uglyhamme
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
im looking forwards to being able to vote, thats about all i have the skill for lol.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
oh i wish i was stil at school. i could have soooooooo much fun.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from dungbeetle :Not sure if this will work when Scawen gives the AI a brain and some spectacles in a future update though. They’ll probably end up a bit too careful and considerate to make this game as much fun as it is right now.

you could just save all the new updates into another lfs folder and keep the current unupdated version for you little game? lol. if you like it so much it could be worth the trouble
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
@iron maiden

is it uploaded to lfsworld?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from vunka :I have seen some cars that were chrome.. Any idea how to do it?

Thanks in advance,

i have a couple of metal effect skins that iv made, if you tell me which car you want il see if i have it.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i could have a go if you give me a day or two? im not promising it wil be absolutely brilliant but il have a go.

EDIT: this is hard. cos the fz uses a texture for most of the dash its impossible to add some features so il have to say i cant do it.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
eeh god this is interesting to rad. lol. why would anyone be so childish and attention seeking to do this?

jesus. so what if hes 13. in a few years hel have to be grown up so he should start n try now.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from jamesrowe :You're gay!

sh, dont tell my girlfreind
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from milkkis :Any bigger images?
Looks cool though...

Quote from The General Lee :11000x2000res..Nice

Not my cup o tea, but nice job.

lol ok. i dunno wat planet i was on when i made that preview, dodgy size, shite resolution. lol. but it gives u an idea of what was meant to be acheived

EDIT: actuall dds files uploaded now for anyone who wants them
Vintage/classic lx interior
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i thought this would be a fun challlenge to make, so i made it and im quite proud of it so i thought id post it here on the forum. includes;

-cream/brown leather seats
-wooden dash with brass features and new switches
-brown leather interior
-cream leather softtop

any feedback more than welcome. and possible marks out of ten so i can judge how wel it is?

EDIT:ignor the mercedes wheel. it has nothing to do with the reset of the interior.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :Shane Ward-I think I better leave right now-When Niko enters the server

wasnt it will young who sang that song?

Captain Slow
S2 licensed
wanted dead or alive - bon jovi, s3 final.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Oi! I like that song

Shame mine cuts out 30 secs before the end

fair enough. i like it too. nice to play on acoustic.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
dont stop me now -queen (for uf1 at the oval lmao).

nothing else matters - mettalica (about jakg and his post count )